Coffee and health

Coffee is grown in about 50 countries around the world that are located mostly along the line of equator.

Many factors can affect the quality of coffee regardless of its provenance:

  • plant varieties,
  • altitude at which the trees grow,
  • chemical composition of soil,
  • climatic parameters (such as the air humidity or insolation), which may vary year by year,
  • working methods of beans immediately after harvest.

All of these variables determine the result in taste, aroma and nutritional properties of the beverage.

In fact, each coffee blend is unique. 

Only recently the science has begun to discover its true value and the International Institute of Coffeeology is proud of its full participation in the redemption of coffee in spite of its reputation as an unhealthy drink.

While we drink a cup of coffee, we assume thousands of different natural substances that affect our mental and physical wellbeing throughout the day. Coffee, because of its huge and ever increasing consumption, in latest decades has been the subject of several scientific studies in various fields. Newer studies have brought to light many and often surprising beneficial properties of this popular drink on our health.

Furthermore, clinical trials show that the influence on blood pressure is relatively modest.

There is strong evidence that caffeine also improves physical performance through an ergogenic effect what means that it can improve an individual’s strength, speed, endurance or speed of recovery. 

Dr Hu of Harvard University said in a speech at the ’’Boston Globe” that coffee would be better for your health than tea.

From this set of elements comes the idea of IIC to provide more information on benefits of coffee components that may vary from one blend to another.
Below you can read some information about these substances: Antioxidants, Soluble dietary fibers, Caffeine, Cafestol, Kahweol, Minerals, Vitamins